Revisión de la configuración del equipo Splashtop
Team Name
This is the name of your Splashtop team users will see when invited to your team. This can only be changed if you are the owner of the team.
Computers(Available in SRS, SOS, Enterprise)
This is a count of how many computers have been deployed in the team.
Users(Available in SBA)
This is a count of how many active and total users are on your team. This can only be changed if you are the owner of the team.
These checkboxes control various aspects of your team, which include feature usage, visibility options for members, and security protocols. All of the "Enable.." options will enable/disable for the entire team while "All members.." options are role based control. Options on this tab will vary depending on which product you are on.
Habilitar la posibilidad de recibir correos electrónicos para ciertos aspectos de su cuenta, por ejemplo, cuando un usuario acepta una invitación a su equipo, cuando un usuario deja su equipo, cuando se añade un ordenador a su cuenta, etc...
Verificación en dos etapas
Estas opciones controlan si desea obligar a sus usuarios o administradores a usar la verificación en dos pasos.
Autenticación del dispositivo / navegador
Estos controlan a quién se envían las autenticaciones de correo electrónico cuando se intenta autenticar un dispositivo o un navegador. (Esta característica se desactiva automáticamente si el usuario tiene activada la verificación de dos pasos).
Browser Timeout
This settings lets you log out users from the web console when they are idle for a certain amount of time. The different time options are: Never, 15 minutes, 1 hour, 8 hours, and 24 hours.
OOBE instruction(Only available in SBA)
Select if you prefer to instruct member on OOBE to download and install
Third-party Integration(Only available in Enterprise and SOS+)
These settings let you set up API Keys for your third-party integration. Splashtop has integrated with ServiceNow, Zendesk, Freshservice, Freshdesk and Jira. You can easily enable your technicians to remotely support your users using Splashtop SOS. More information click here
Single Sign-On(Only available in Enterprise)
The Single Sign-On(SSO) intergration lets users authenticate their Splashtop account using their centralized SSO user ID and password. You can click on "Apply for new SSO method" to get started.
SCIM Provisioning Token(Only available in Enterprise)
This setting enables users/groups to provision from their identity provider. We currently support SCIM provisioning and a secret token is required to be configured on your IdP portal. Please click here for more information.
Scheduled Access(Only available in Enterprise)
This setting allows the owner of the team to choose the correct Scheduled Access Timezone. Please keep in mind that the timezone cannot be changed when a schedule is in place. You can read more about Scheduled Access here
Splashtop Business Access Team Settings