Splashtop Business- Login Failed - Sorry for the inconvenience for several days.
I am having the Splashtop Login Failed - Sorry for the inconvenience, please try again at a later time error for several days now. I've looked through support forums but all similar posts are being resolved and solutions aren't posted. Connectivity to the server shows success on each part.
Could I possible get some help with that?
Hi Andrzej,
Are you able to change your Internet DNS settings to Google DNS to see if that improves your issue? We've seen an issue where v3580 FQDN isn't recognized by the DNS Server. Either the issue will resolve itself or you can configure your DNS settings to Google. Thank you.
having the same issue, i have changed my DNS and that didn't fix it.
changed it to google DNS
i was working great until about 5 days ago?
any help would be appreciated
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