Login failed with the message "Sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again at a later time"

Dear support team,

I am using a trial version. Business App on Mac10.12.6 and streamer on windows10. The PC with windows 10 are deployed successfully but when trying to connect to it using Business App on Mac, I always got Login failed with the message "Sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again at a later time".

Please help to have a look.




5 commenti
  • Hi, Guangyu, 


    Can you access https://www.splashtop.com/check in a browser and tell us the result? 

    I'm trying to see if it's related to some network env. 

  • OK. I have accessed the address and "Success" is displayed for every server in the status column

  • Hi, Guangyu, 

    Can you go to app's Help > Send debug log, click "open log folder" and manually retrieve the log files and send to support-business@splashtop.com for a further investigation? 

  • The app only shows the login page. I have not found "Help" anywhere. Could you give more hints where to find it?

  • I can login slashtop business now. Thanks!


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