Envoyer une demande

Saisissez les détails de votre demande. Un membre de notre équipe d’assistance répondra dans les plus brefs délais.

Please fill in your {Splashtop Account} here. It's an email address created by you from {Splashtop Business} client app or the {Splashtop Streamer}. This information can help our Support staffs to address your questions quickly.

Please select an Issue Type here that is close to your question, it'll help us in providing resolutions to your question.

Please select which kind of the device you used / met problem with the Splashtop product.

Fill in the Splashtop2 app version # installed on your tablet or phone, i.e. (find it in Settings/About)

The system on your target computer with Streamer installed.

Enter the installed Splashtop Streamer version, i.e. v2.0.0.3 (find it in About tab)

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