SSO setup - Okta (SAML2.0) (EU region)

Fill out this contact form to trial or subscribe to the SSO feature.


Splashtop now supports logging in and Splashtop Business app using the credential created from your SAML 2.0 identity providers. Please follow the below instructions to create an app from Okta console.

Create an app on Okta console

  1. Log on your Okta console using your Okta account.
  2. Go to Application page from the side menu, then Create App Integration button.
  3. Select SAML 2.0 as the app type.
  4. Name your app in General Settings tab. Then click Next.
  5. Fill in or select the value following below info, 
    Single sign on URL , check "Use this for Recipient URL and Destination URL"

    Audience URI (SP Entity ID) 
    (Note: Do NOT add a trailing /,

    Name ID format
    : EmailAddress
    And do not change any other settings, so it will be like:
    Then press Next.

  6. On the last page, select "I'm an Okta customer adding an internal app" , then Finish.
  7. Go to the Application you just created, go to Sign On tab, then click View SAML Setup Instructions.

Assign users to the created app

Go to the created app, click Assign / Assign to People (Group) to assign users who will use SSO.

Apply for an SSO method from

Now you have the info of Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL, Identity Provider Issuer andX.509 Certificate. (From the  page mentioned in about Step 6 in Create an app section.)


Please follow below instruction to insert the info on our web portal ( to apply for enabling the SSO with Okta:

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