Provisioning setup - JumpCloud (SCIM)

Splashtop supports users/groups provisioning from your identity provider via SCIM, please follow the below steps to set up.

Configuration Steps

Step 1: Add a Splashtop app on JumpCloud

Follow the link to add the Splashtop application with SAML and provisioning supported: Link.

Step 2: Configure SSO

  1. On the created SAML configured app, go to SSO tab, then scroll down to find Constant Attribute, then click add attribute:
  2. On Service Provider Attribute name field, insert ssoName.
    On value field, insert the SSO method's name on the Splashtop web portal ( / eu).
    (How to apply for an SSO method: Link.) 

Other supported user attribute mapping:

Service Provider Attribute Name JumpCloud Attribute Name
Display name firstname/lastname


Step 3: Configure Identity Management

  1. On the created SAML configured app, go to Identity Management tab.
  2. Check Enable management of User Groups and Group Membership in this application to enable group and user provisioning.
  3. Click Configure button to configure Token Key.
  4. On the Token Key field, insert the SCIM provisioning token created from Splashtop web portal. ( / eu).
    (How to apply for an SCIM provisioning token: Link.)

More details can also be found on JumpCloud Help Center: Link.

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