Splashtop now offers open APIs, empowering users to streamline workflows and enhance support capabilities.
Supported Subscriptions
- Splashtop Enterprise [Remote Support(Technician) | Remote Access(End-User)]
Customers using other Splashtop products may sign up here to beta test.
Download the latest open API reference here:
Splashtop Open API Reference V1.3
Available APIs
APIs for various web console actions enable you to automate the tasks that you normally would perform manually via the Splashtop web console.
- Retrieve user info (user list, access permissions)
- Manage users (invite users, delete users)
- Retrieve computer info (computer list, basic computer info, inventory)
- Manage computers (delete computers, rename computers, assign computers to group, add computer notes)
- Manage groups (create, edit, delete, assign users/computers)
- Retrieve logs (sessions, configuration history, endpoint management, and more)
APIs for integrating Splashtop attended support enable you to create a workflow similar to what is achieved via our pre-built integrations with ServiceNow, Freshservice, Jira Service Desk, Zendesk, etc.
- Create a support session link
- Start the session and connect to the end user's computer
- Have the artifacts (session logs, file transfer logs, chat transcript, etc.) written back into the ticket
Over time, we will continue to add APIs providing additional services.
See What we're working on next (Roadmap) for more details.
There are two methods available for authentication and authorization.
- Log into the web console at my.splashtop.com / my.splashtop.eu
- Click Management > Settings > API
- Click Create API Token
- Configure the Scope and the Expiration Date of the API token.
- Use this form here to contact us to add an OAuth 2.0 app for your commercial software or Splashtop account and provide you with the corresponding client ID and client secret. You will also need to provide us with your redirect URL.
- Request an authentication code from our web console my.splashtop.com / my.splashtop.eu, using the format below:
https://my.splashtop.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=<client_id>&scope=<scope>&response_type=code&state=<string>&redirect_uri=<callback URL (urlencode)>
client_id Client ID for the OAuth app we created for you (provided by Splashtop) scope Any of the following values, separated by commas:
team_groups,team_access_permission,inventorystate Define this variable to ensure the incoming connection is an authentication request initiated from your side. At a later time you will use this state to generate the access token. redirect_uri The redirect URL in URL-encoded format
- Use the authentication code to exchange for the access token and refresh token. The TTL of an access token is 24 hours while the TTL of a refresh token is 30 days.
Refer to Section 4.1 OAuth 2.0 of the Splashtop Open API Reference for more details.