1. Check and Accept Invitation in Email
The email invitation will look like this:
2. Create Splashtop Account
Accepting the invitation will lead you to create your Splashtop account and password.
3. Install Splashtop Business Application
Once your Splashtop Account is created, click on the purple "Business App" button to download and install the Business Application.
4. Authenticate your login
Once installed, log into the Splashtop Business App. When trying to login, you should see a message to authenticate your login. This is to ensure the security of your account. You'll receive an email with an authentication link. Opening this link authenticates your computer and lets you login to the Splashtop Business Application.
5. Connect from Splashtop Business Application
After the authentication, log in to the Business Application with your credentials and you will be able to see the computers you have access to.
If you do not see any computers for you to access, contact your Splashtop Team Owner or Admin so they can grant you access.