Streamer Settings Overview

All Splashtop Streamer Settings



Computer Name

This is the current name of the computer. From here, you can change the name of the computer that will be displayed in the Business App and

How to modify a computer name

Connection Status

This shows the current remote connection status. If there is an active remote connection, than you will see "Active Session". If there is not current remote session, than you will see "No active session".

Computer Deployment/Splashtop Account Login

When the Splashtop Streamer app is deployed with a Deployment Code, you will see the team name and account holders email.

If this section asks for a Code, than a Deployment Code will need to be manually added. This can be found on ->Management -> Deployment. From here you will see your deployment packages and codes.

If an Email and Password is needed in this section, than that means the Login Streamer is installed.

Splashtop Streamer Deployed vs Login



Enable Auto Launch

You can enable this option to have the Splashtop Streamer start automatically when your computer starts up. This will allow you to connect to your remote computer when it connects to the internet.


The sound settings allow for you to setup how sound works when you are connected to your remote computer:

  • Output sound over the remote connection only (Play sound on the Local computer only)
  • Output sound on this computer only (Play sound on the Streamer/Remote computer only)
  • Output sound both over the remote connection and on this PC (Plays sound on both computers at the same time)

For MAC Streamer, only the first two options are available.

You probably need to install a Splashtop Remote Sound driver in a MAC machine to allow audio to transport from the Streamer to the client device.

If the settings is changed on a remote session, the session is required to reconnect for the change to take effect.

For more information on Sound: Splashtop Sound Settings

System Power Options

From here, you can change the current sleep settings for your computer.

Remote Print

Installing the required driver here will allow you to print files from your remote computer to a local printer through the Splashtop connection.

For more information on Remote Printing

Idle Session Timeout

Adjusting the timer here allows you set Splashtop to disconnect any sessions that have been left idle for a certain amount of time.

For more information on Idle Session Timeout



Require Additional Password to Connect

These options here allow you to control any additional password you might want on your computer before being able to connect via Splashtop. 

  • Require Windows Login - This option will require entering in your computer username and password.
  • Require Security Code - This option allows you to setup a security code instead of using a username and password.
  • No Additional Password - This option will allow you to connect to the remote computer with no password/username and security code.

For more information on Streamer Security Password

Request Permission to Connect

This setting pops up a box on the remote end(30 seconds) that requests for permission to connect before the connection is established.

  • Reject connection after request expires (At login screen, reject automatically) - If the remote device is at the login screen, the permission request will be automatically rejected/declined.
  • Reject connection after request expires (At login screen, allow automatically) - If the remote computer is at the login screen, the permission request will be automatically accepted.
  • Allow connection after request expires - If the permission request is not accepted/declined within time, it will be automatically accepted.

For more information on Request Permission to Connect

Enable Lock Screen at the end of Session

Enabling this will lock your remote computer to the computer User select screen after disconnecting via Splashtop.

Enable Blank Screen

Enabling this will black out the screen of the computer you are connecting into, so that no one can see what is happening on your remote computer.  

Lock Keyboard and Mouse

Enabling this lock's the remote computer's and mouse from interfering with your work.





IP Address

This section displays the IP address/addresses of the Streamer computer.

Local Network Settings

By default, Direction Connection is enabled. Splashtop remote connections can be local (peer to peer) or remote through Splashtop relay servers. Local connections, by default, use port TCP 6783.

For more information on Direct Connection


Proxy Settings

There are several authentication types in existence for Proxy server.  Currently, Splashtop Streamers and Win client only support the Basic authentication (partially support NTLM).

  • No Proxy - If you have no proxy.
  • Auto - If you have no proxy, or automatically
  • Manual - If selected, you will need to enter the IP/Port, and username/password for the proxy server.

For more information on Proxy Settings


Screen Capturing Options

Changing the screen capturing option may help issues such as black screens or distorted graphics. The default setting is Hardware(Windows) or Default(Mac). Switching to Software or Mirror can help resolve display issues(Windows).

For more information on Screen Capturing: Windows and Mac

Hardware Acceleration

Splashtop Streamer on Windows and Mac takes advantage of different hardware on your devices to support hardware acceleration, which improves both performances of the remote session and CPU loading of your remote computer.

For more information on Hardware Acceleration: Enabling Hardware Acceleration

Streamer log files

In the event you wish to send logs to our support team, you can select "Send Debug Logs". From here, you can also view the logs folder by selecting "Open log folder".

For more information on Sending Debug Logs



Version and Service Region

This shows the current version of your Streamer application and the region you are in.


This tab also has information for out ToS, open source components and support page.


From here, you can check for updates to make sure you are on the newest Streamer.

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