Service Desk provides not only a new interface for users to monitor and manage attended sessions but also an opportunity to enhance user’s workflow. You don’t need to wait for a new 9-digit code generated from the end users' side each time when starting an attended remote connection.
Splashtop Enterprise with technician licenses
Business app version or newer
For a user account to be able to use the feature, he/she must have the attended access feature available to him/her, being a technician role for example.
How to enter Service Desk console:
You can enter Service Desk console from either the web console( or the business app.
From web console:
Logging the web console(, you can find Service Desk as a separate tab.
From Business app:
You can click the Service Desk Console button or go to the Service Desk tab
- Windows users:
- Mac users:
On Service Desk console:
When you enter Service Desk, you will find Home and Channel on the left
On Home, you can find all the attended sessions that are assigned to you.
In Service Desk, “Channel” is similar to the concept of group/grouping in users or computers.
You can monitor and manage the support sessions in Session.
To create a new session
you can create new support sessions in the channel by clicking “New Session“ and share the link with the end user.
Choose between sharing an invitation link or 6 digit PIN code.
With the link, the end user can download the app and launch it.
Once the end user launches the support app, the status of the session will change from “Waiting“ to “Active“
When the session is active, technician can request permission to connect by clicking “Start Remote Session“
After the technician requests for permission, the end user would see the prompt as follows to reject or grant permission.
The following will show on the end user’s side if he/she grants the permission.
If the user grants the permission, the “Start Remote Session“ icon will change from
to, which means the technician can connect to the user.
Now, the technician can start to connect by clicking “Start Remote Session.“
In addition to “Start Remote Session“, you can also take the following actions.
- Assign Technician: assign or re-assign a technician to the support session.
Transfer: transfer the session to another assignee or another channel
- To transfer to another assignee, permission for Release should be granted
- To transfer to another channel, access to another channel should be granted
- Invite Other Technicians: Invite up to 2 other technicians to the support session (max total 3 techs)
Copy Session Link
Show PIN Code
- Release: release the session from the assigned technician
- Close: close the session
Delete: delete the session from the channel
Session Status
Waiting: The status will be “Waiting“ for the user to download and run the Service Desk support app from the unique link right after a new session link has been generated.
Active: The Service Desk support app has been started on the end user's computer; this session has a technician assigned, and the technician is ready to request permission to connect.
In queue: The session has been released and it's waiting for a technician to take the session.
Expired: The session exceeded the Session Expiration time that was preset from the Channel settings.
Closed: The technician has manually closed the session. No further connection is possible. To connect again, generating a new session is required.