Remote Print - Windows cannot find 'xpsrchvw.exe'.

For Remote Print, Splashtop requires an XPS viewer on the local computer (the one you're connecting from) in order to view and print the file from the remote computer.  More on Remote Print.

If you are getting the error message: "Windows cannot find 'xpsrchvw.exe'...", it is likely the XPS viewer is not installed on your local computer.


If you install Windows 10, version 1803, on a new device (or as a clean installation), you may need to install XPS Viewer from Apps and Features in the Settings app or through Features on Demand. If you had XPS Viewer in Windows 10, version 1709, but manually removed it before updating, you'll need to manually reinstall it.

1. RIGHT-CLICK on the Start Menu on the local computer (the one you are connecting from) and open "Apps & features".


2. Click on the "Optional features" button.


3. If you see "XPS Viewer" listed, then it is already installed - close the window and ignore the rest of these instructions. If "XPS Viewer" is not already installed, click on the "Add a feature" button. 


4. Scroll down to the bottom and look for "XPS Viewer" and install it. Install happens in the background and can take several minutes to complete.



If XPS Viewer either is not showing on your "Add a Feature" list or won't install, please open the Command Prompt as an Administrator and install it by running the command:

DISM /Online /Add-Capability /CapabilityName:XPS.Viewer~~~~



Windows 11

Windows 11 does not have the same UI as above.  So you have to go to Apps and Features like above but then search for Optional features.  Next you can then search for XPS and check the box next to XPS viewer to install it. See screenshots below.



then search for Optional features.



Click Optional features


Search for XPS and check the box XPS viewer to install it.  That's it.




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