How to check for authentication emails

If you're a Splashtop user, whether you're a new member or existing member, you may be aware that you are required to authenticate every device and web browser that you attempt to log in from. You will receive a message that states that authentication is required and to please head over to your email to open the authentication email and click on the authentication link to be able to login. But what about when you don't get those emails? Here are some steps to follow if you ever encounter this situation.


1) Wait...

Sometimes the email just takes some time to arrive. This is especially true if your email service or company has applied email filters to keep spam and other unwanted mail from cluttering inboxes. With that being said, since the authentication email is an automated message, sometimes it is caught by the spam filter, so please check your spam or junk mail folder for any Splashtop authentication emails.

The authentication link is valid for 2 hours before it expires so in the most extreme of cases you might be waiting about 2 hours. If you still don't get the link after two hours or logging in is a pressing issue, follow the rest of the steps outlined in this article.


2) Check the settings on your email service and make some adjustments if needed*

Each email service is different, so the best we can do is give a general outline that all users can follow**. One of the first things to check is your blocked senders list to make sure that your email service didn't block us automatically. The email that would be blocked would be

If we're not blocked, the next thing to try is to add that email above to your email white list, email filter, trusted senders, etc... as many things as you can to see if the emails arrive. Please note that on some email services things like white lists and filters are the same thing while on others they might be two separate things so please make sure to look up how your email service works.


You can refer to this article with instructions how to add to your safe senders list, please note we did not write this article and not every email service is included:


*If you work at a company with an IT department (and your Splashtop account is tied to your company email), you should always check in with them before making any changes to your email settings. They might have to change some of these settings for you.

** Please make sure you know how your email service works. Splashtop support agents do not have the ability to change a customer's email settings for them and may not know how each email service completely works in each instance.


3) Check in with your company's IT department

You can skip this step if your company doesn't have an IT department.

Sometimes the IT department might also be applying some settings in the background that can be preventing these emails from getting through. Aside from checking in with them  to make sure you're allowed to change your email settings, also make sure to check in with them to see if there isn't anything that might be blocking our emails.


4) Check in with your Splashtop team owner

If you know who your Splashtop team owner is, you can try contacting them to check the settings on the device authentication emails to make sure they are being sent out to members. Team owners can configure the team settings and can make the authentication emails arrive to themselves only or to themselves and admin only.


5) Try changing your Splashtop account email

If you have the freedom of changing account emails and are willing to try it out, you can change your account email to see if it might just be that email service blocking out our emails.

First make sure that you're able to change your email (especially if it's a company Splashtop account) and also make sure that you don't have any Login Streamers. Since they are tied to your email and password, changing one or the other invalidates the current credentials in the Streamer and makes the computer inaccessible remotely. You can read more about Login Streamers here: Splashtop Streamer: Deployed vs. Login

Please note that changing emails will also clear your authenticated device list so you will also have to go back and authenticate all the previously authenticated devices and browsers.


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