Session Indicator - Persistent Banner & Pop-up


  • Splashtop Streamer and Business app V3.5.0.0 or newer

Team Settings

With Splashtop Streamer v3.5.0.0, there is a new option within the Owner team settings to edit the Session Indicator that a user will see for unattended and attended sessions.

In the team settings (located:, there are options for the Display type:

NOTE: These settings are restricted to the type of subscription you have (you may not have both of these settings):

Unattended Attended
Pop-up & banner Banner
Pop-Up None

NOTE: If "allow user to close banner" is greyed out, make sure Pop-up or Banner set as the current option then refresh the page.

Persistent Banner


If the Banner option is selected, the end user will see a dark blue box for the entire duration of the session letting them know a Splashtop Session is in progress. The user can click and drag this banner to move it around the screen so it does not get in the way. 


If "Allow user to close the banner" is selected, they will see an X on the right hand side of the banner they can use to close the banner.

Extended Banner


If the user clicks the downwards facing arrow, they can expand this banner to see who is connected, the IP address, how long the user has been connected, an option to disconnect, and the option to view a file log to see if any file transfer has been done.


The Session Indicator banner can also be used to disconnect a session. If the user clicks the downward arrow to expand the banner, then can see how long the current session has lasted and click the disconnect icon to end the session.


If the user clicks "View File Log", this will open a window that will show the details of any file that was transferred between computers during the session.



If "Pop-Up" is selected in the Team Settings, users will receive a temporary Desktop notification when you connect, letting them know their device is being accessed.


File and Command Session

We also added separate indicators for file and command sessions. More information found here:


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