How to assign computers for Splashtop Business Access

Access permissions

Access permissions determine which users have access to a certain computer.

A computer can be configured to be:

  1. Accessible by all admins
  2. Accessible by all admins and members
  3. Accessible by Specific Splashtop ID

Where to configure access permissions

Log into with the owner account.

Click on the three dots next to each computer in the computer list and choose Access permission. This is for setting the access permissions of this computer.

Access permissions must currently be set one computer at a time.



Configuration options

There are 3 options available.

The options differ slightly depending on whether the streamer is signed in with a Splashtop account or deployed with a deployment code.Mycomputer2_en-us.png.jpg

Option 1 -Allow access by all admins

Any user on this Splashtop Business account with admin privilege can access this computer.

This is the default selection for a streamer that is deployed with a deployment cod

Option 2 -Allow access by all admins and members

Any user on this Splashtop Business account can access this computer.

Option 3 -Allow access by specific Splashtop accounts

* note: Sharing Streamer(s) to a Splashtop account external to the team will be deprecated in 2024.

You can choose precisely which user or users have access.

You can choose from amongst the users on this Splashtop Business account.

You can also grant access to anyone who also has a Splashtop Business Access (Legacy, Pro, Performance, or Solo) account. Just enter the Splashtop account email into the field near the bottom and click on Allow Access. That user account will then be added to the list above, with a checkmark.

NOTE: When an external user is accessing a computer that you've shared this way, it will occupy one of your "user" licenses.
(For example, if you have only 1 seat of Splashtop Business Access Pro, you won't be able to use remote access, when another user is accessing one of your shared machines.)

This article has more info on the limitations at the bottom

Who can configure access permissions

In the case of a streamer that's signed in with a Splashtop Account

By default, the computer can only be accessed by the person whose Splashtop account/password are entered into the streamer. This person is the "owner" of the computer.

The owner of the computer is the only person who can grant access to others (i.e. only the owner of the computer can change to option 2, 3, or 4 in the above screenshot).

Admins on the Splashtop Business account cannot grant access to a computer they don't own. However, they do have the right to disable shared access of any computer (by choosing option 1, "not accessible by others").

In the case of a streamer that is deployed with a deployment code

By default, a computer provisioned with a streamer that's deployed with a deployment code becomes accessible by all admins on the Splashtop Business account.

Admins are considered the "owner" of the computer and have all rights to configure the access permissions, from disabling access completely to granting access to everyone.


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