You can edit the same Windows Streamer settings offered in Deployment Packages through the Registry Editor. Make changes at your own discretion.
All of the Streamer settings are located in this path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Splashtop Inc.\Splashtop Remote Server
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Splashtop Inc.\Splashtop Remote Server
After changing any values, please restart the Streamer for the changes to apply.
General Settings
AutoStart = Auto-launch streamer. Automatically launch Splashtop Streamer every time the computer starts.
0 = Off
1 = On
Value = Number of minutes before the remote session will automatically disconnect after no activity is detected (0 means no timeout).
NoTrayIcon = Hide streamer tray icon Hide streamer icon on Windows system tray or Mac menu bar. Check this option to reduce the chance of users tampering with the streamer.
0 = Not hidden
1 = Hidden
DirectConnect = Enable direct connection When on the same network, use direct connection for better performance. Based on your organization's security policy, you may want to disable this option.
0 = Unchecked
1 = Checked
ReqPassword = Require Windows login
0 = No additional password
4 = Security code (can't set security code through here)
8 = Windows login
EnableSharePUC = Request permission to connect
0 = Off
1 = Reject connection after request expires (At login screen, reject automatically)
2 = Allow connection after request expires
3 = Reject connection after request expires (At login screen, allow automatically)
ScreenLock = Lock screen when disconnect Automatically lock the computer at the end of the session.
0 = Off
1 = On
ScreenLockAtStart = Enable lock screen at the start of session
0 = Off
1 = On
ScreenLockAtStartVisible = Show the option in the Streamer to Enable lock screen at the start of session
0 = Off
1 = On
LockKBMS = Lock keyboard and mouse when in a session When your device connects to the computer, lock the computer's keyboard and mouse.
0 = Unlock
1 = Lock
UnLockUI = Lock streamer settings using Splashtop admin credentials By default, streamer settings can be modified by anyone with Windows or Mac admin account. By checking this option, streamer settings will be locked and can only be unlocked by admins on your Splashtop Business team.
0 = No Splashtop admin lock, but can still be locked if signed in as a standard user
1 = Splashtop admin lock
2 = No lock
AutoLogoff = Log-off after disconnection (For more information, please take a look at this article.)
0 = Off
1 = On
AutoLogoffLimit = if AutoLogoff is enabled, you can set a timer for when the computer logs off in case of accidental disconnections.
0 = 60 seconds
set N for a custom value.
AutoMute = Sound
0 = Output sound both over the remote connection and on the local computer (Windows streamer only)
1 = Output sound over the remote connection only.
2 = Output sound on the local computer only.
Hardware Acceleration
1 = On
0 = Off
1 = On
1 = On
1 = On
Additional Settings
BlankScreen = Blank Screen
0 = Off
1 = On
Value = Port value
Value = Splashtop computer name
0 = Logged in Streamer
1 = Deployed Streamer
0 = Turn off syncing for num/caps/scroll lock
VirtualDisplay = Virtual driver for headless machines/laptops with lid closed (For more information, please take a look at this article.)
0 = Off
1 = On
CloudRelayBridge = Bridge mode - can help improve connection stability
0 = Off (Use Tunnel mode)
1 = On
CaptureMode = Screen capturing options
1 = Software
2 = Hardware
3 = NVIDIA graphics (if option is available)
4 = Mirror Driver
CursorConvertMode = I-beam cursor making cursor disappear
0 = I-beam cursor will disappear
1= I-beam cursor will appear
The Business App settings can be changed in this path:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Splashtop Inc.\Splashtop Remote Client for STB
CloudRelayBridge = Bridge mode - can help improve connection stability
0 = Off
1 = On
QILimitOfPingDuration = Session Quality Indicator (requires
10000 = Off