Note: Deployable Streamer is a feature available only to Splashtop Business Access, Splashtop Remote Support, and SOS+ users. Download your deployable Streamer by logging into and clicking on Management>Deployment.
Please find the instructions accordingly:
Windows - EXE
Easy Deployment
- New Install: streamer.exe prevercheck /s /i confirm_d=0,hidewindow=1
- Upgrade: 12-digit only
12-digit Deployment (14-digit for EU stack users)
- New Install: streamer.exe prevercheck /s /i dcode=your_code,confirm_d=0,hidewindow=1
- Upgrade: streamer.exe prevercheck /s /i hidewindow=1
- Replace "streamer.exe" with the actual file name and location of your streamer installer.
- Replace "your_code" with your own 12-digit deployment code.
Note that there is no space after each comma.
EXE Parameters
- prevercheck: (required)
- /s: Silent installation. Bypass InstallShield prompts.
- /i: Run in command-line mode (required).
- dcode=your_code: Inject your 12-digit deployment code to automatically associate the Streamer with your Splashtop Business team. (12-digit deployment only)
- confirm_d=0: Do not show the confirmation prompt when injecting deployment code.
- hidewindow=1: Do not show the Streamer window after installation.
- sec_opt=number: Security option. (Note: the deployment code config overrides this parameter)
- 0: No additional password
- 1: Require security code +2: Require Windows login on
- sec_code=your_security_code: Choose the security code to use (no space or special symbols allowed).
- req_perm: Request permission to connect option.
- 0: Off
- 1: reject connection after request expires (at login screen, reject automatically)
- 2: allow connect after request expires
- 3: reject connection after request expires (at login screen, allow automatically)
- notray: Tray icon on taskbar.
- 0: show tray icon
- 1: no tray icon
Windows - MSI
Easy Deployment
- New Install: msiexec /norestart /qn /i streamer.msi USERINFO="hidewindow=1,confirm_d=0"
- Upgrade: 12-digit only
12-digit Deployment (14-digit for EU stack users)
- Unzip downloaded file and extract "setup.msi" to a location of your choice
- Replace "your_code" with your own 12-digit deployment code.
- New Install: msiexec /norestart /qn /i setup.msi USERINFO="dcode=your_code,hidewindow=1,confirm_d=0"
- Upgrade: msiexec /norestart /qn /i setup.msi REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=vomus MSIENFORCEUPGRADECOMPONENTRULES=1 CA_UPGRADE=1 USERINFO="hidewindow=1"
- For upgrade, the setup.msi file name has to be the same as the originally installed MSI file name. If the original install was with the EXE installer, then the file should be named "setup.msi".
- Note: If you are running the command from a CMD window, the CMD window must be running with admin rights.
- Note that there is no space after the comma.
- For upgrade, the setup.msi file name has to be the same as the originally installed MSI file name. If the original install was with the EXE installer, then the file should be named "setup.msi".
MSI Parameters
- /qn: Silent installation.
- /i: Run in command-line mode (required).
- hidewindow=1: Do not show the Streamer window after installation.
- dcode=your_code: Inject your 12-digit deployment code to automatically associate the Streamer with your Splashtop Business team.
sec_opt=number: Security option
- 0: No additional password
- 1: Require security code
- 2: Require Windows login on
- sec_code=your_security_code: Choose the security code to use (no space or special symbols allowed).
- confirm_d=0: Do not show the confirmation prompt when injecting deployment code.
Uninstall EXE and MSI
- streamer.exe msiexec /qn /x setup.msi
- Please note that for this command, you will need the same version of installation as the current version to take effect.
- MsiExec.exe /qn /X{B7C5EA94-B96A-41F5-BE95-25D78B486678}
- You don't need installer for this command, which means you can directly run this command without replacing "MsiExec.exe" with the actual file name of your streamer installer.
- Please note that you will need to run as admin for this command.
Create a custom configured MSI for GPO deployment
For easier deployment via Group Policy (GPO), you can create a custom configured MSI to include several settings, such as the deployment code. Here are step-by-step instructions:
Custom MSI with Orca.
Easy Deployment
- not supported
12-digit Deployment (14-digit for EU stack users)
- New Install:
- sudo chmod +x (the shell script needs to be executable)
- sudo ./ -i streamer.dmg -d your_code -w 0 -s 0 -v 0 (command executes attached shell script (
- Replace with the appropriate installer image file name and your own 12-digit code.
- Download the script file below (uploaded May 31, 2024).
To install using JAMF, see this guide here: JAMF Pro guide
- -i streamer.dmg: The full path of the file streamer.dmg.
- -d your_code: Inject your 12-digit deployment code to automatically associate the Streamer with your Splashtop Business team.
- -w 0: Do not show the confirmation prompt when injecting deployment code.
- -s 0: Do not show the Streamer window after installation.
- -v 0: Do not install Splashtop Remote sound / Soundflower driver. This helps with deployment via Munki. Installing the driver will hang if the Mac has no users logged in at the time of deployment. To include the sound driver installation, exclude the -v parameter.
- -h 1 : hide tray icon (0/1). (default 0)
- -c : init security code
- -e : Require additional password to connect (0:No, 1:Require security code, 2:Require Mac login). (default 0)
Upgrade (pkg)
- Upgrade: sudo installer -pkg ".Splashtop Streamer.pkg" -target /
- The .pkg of the streamer file is a hidden file included in the .dmg. To update, please extract/copy the .pkg file to another location first and then run the command.
- uninstall: sudo ./"Uninstall Splashtop" ((command executes attached shell script (Uninstall Splashtop
Ubuntu, Debian
- Install: sudo apt install -y ./SplashtopStreamer.deb
- Deploy: splashtop-streamer deploy $YourDeployCode
- Uninstall: sudo apt remove -y Splashtop-Streamer
Fedora, CentOS, RHEL
- Install: sudo dnf install -y ./SplashtopStreamer.rpm
- Deploy: splashtop-streamer deploy $YourDeployCode
- Uninstall: sudo dnf remove -y Splashtop-Streamer