Splashtop has integrated with SyncroMSP to allow users to start remote sessions from within SyncroMSP.
This integration works with all unattended Splashtop Business plans (Business Access, Remote Support, SOS+).
You can view their integration instructions here.
- Log into my.splashtop.com -> Management -> Deployment -> Create Deployment Package to customize your desired Splashtop Streamer settings.
- On the Deployment page, click "Deploy" for your new package and download the "Deploy by 12-digit code" EXE installer under Option 2.
- Find the Splashtop App Card in SyncroMSP's App Center.
- Admin > App Center > Splashtop
- Upload the EXE from Step 2.
- Enter your Splashtop email and Deployment Code from Step 1-2.
Configuring Splashtop in Policies
Go to the Policies Tab and select the policy that you want Splashtop included on. If you have the integration activated, you will see a Splashtop section called "BRING YOUR OWN SPLASHTOP." Check the box and Save.
-If Splashtop is installed on the Asset, it will grab the Splashtop UUID and upload it.
-If Splashtop is not installed, it will install it and upload the Splashtop UUID to the Asset information.
NOTE: The time it can take for this to sync up will vary and of course whether or not the Asset is online.
Once the Asset is synced, head over to the Assets & RMM tab. You will see "Splashtop UUID: {number}" in the Properties field. There is also a specific column you can activate on this screen by clicking "Customize"
Click the Quick Access on the Asset/Device page or anywhere the Asset is present and click Splashtop!