Streamer: Logoff after Disconnection Setting

Starting with Splashtop Streamer v3.4.2.0, a new setting is supported to fully log off the remote computer's OS user after a session disconnect. The existing "Enable lock screen at the end of the session" setting in the Streamer UI will lock the OS user, but not fully log out. This is to be used as a fail-over, in case a remote user forgets to log off of their OS user account before ending their remote session (ex: Remote Labs scenario).

This setting can be configured via registry (Windows) or by configuration file (Mac).



Registry (Windows Only)

64-bit path:

Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Splashtop Inc.\Splashtop Remote Server

Add these DWORD values:

  • ”AutoLogoff”=DWORD:00000001 - enable log-off after disconnection
  • ”AutoLogoffLimit”=DWORD:00000000 - for unintentional disconnection, lock screen for N seconds before log-off. Default (0) is 60 seconds, set N for a custom value.

File (Mac)

To create the configuration file to enable Log-off after disconnect:

  • sudo touch /Users/Shared/SplashtopStreamer/com.splashtop.lock-option.logout
  • The contents of the file should be a number.  The system will lock the account for that number of seconds, then log out of the account.

To verify the set-up, please check if the configuration file was created:

  • cd /Users/Shared/SplashtopStreamer
  • ls 
    (ls to verify that the file was created)

This will show a list of the existing files. Make sure 'com.splashtop.lock-option.logout' appear in the list:


To remove the created configuration file and disable Log-off after disconnect:

  • sudo rm /Users/Shared/SplashtopStreamer/com.splashtop.lock-option.logout
  • ls
    (ls to verify that the file was removed)



If disconnection is identified to be “intentional”, streamer will log off immediately after disconnection. Otherwise, the disconnection is identified to be “unintentional”. Streamer will lock screen and only log off computer in N seconds (configurable). In the case of a network drop, this is to allow the user some time to reconnect before they are logged out.

Intentional Disconnect Cases:

If connecting with a Business App version older than v3.4.2.0, this will not be treated as an intentional disconnect, and will use the N timer method. Please help users update their Business App if available.

Additional Notes

  • If the computer is already at lock or pre-login screen, this setting has no effect.
  • Concurrent session (2-to-1 connection): the setting kicks in after the last connection disconnects.
  • Terminal session: no matter which terminal session the user is looking at, log off console session.
  • There is a current limitation with Mac audio where the streamer cannot get audio if the session is started from a pre-login state (locked ok). This conflicts with this setting - the team is looking into a fix.
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