For Splashtop Business Access, the team Owner has an option under Team Settings for OOBE Instruction. OOBE, or Out-Of-Box Experience, is what a team member will see when they first log into or
(Only available in Splashtop Business Access)
NOTE: This only affects what the team member sees, not the team owner or admin.
There are three options the Owner can pick from:
Option 1: Login Streamer (Individually Managed)
Option 2: Default Deployment Streamer (Team Managed)
Option 3: None of Above (Installed and assigned by admins)
Splashtop offers two types of Streamers; the Deployed Streamer and the Splashtop Login Streamer.
The login Streamer is connected with Splashtop Account credentials, so if the email or password of the signed-in account are changed, the Streamer will become inaccessible since the credentials no longer match. We do recommend using the deployment Streamer to avoid this issue and so the team Owner/Admins can manage the Streamer.
You can check out this article further explaining the differences between the Deployed and Login Streamers.
Option 1: Login Streamer (Individually Managed)
When you login to, this is what team members will see:
If OOBE Instruction is set to Login Streamer (individually managed), once a Member is logged into, they can click Add Computer and be prompted to set up a Login Streamer.
Note: Login Streamer is not tied to a Team, only with a specific Splashtop user. Owner/Admin will not see this Streamer under All Computers and only the specific Splashtop user who set it up can manage permissions via their Computers tab.
When a team member downloads and opens Splashtop Streamer this is what they will see, prompting them to log in with their specific Splashtop email and password:
Note: Since this Streamer is connected with Splashtop Account credentials, if the email or password of the signed-in account are changed, the Streamer will become inaccessible since the credentials no longer match. To connect again, you will need to re-sign into the Streamer with the new credentials. Or, install the Deployment Streamer instead, which is unaffected by credential changes.
Option 2: Default Deployment Streamer (Team Managed)
When you login to, this is what team members will see:
If OOBE Instruction is set to Default Deployment Streamer (team managed), once a Member is logged into, they can click Add Computer and be prompted to set up the Splashtop Streamer with the Default Deployment package.
Note: Deployed Streamer is tied to a Team, and by default, only the Owner/Admin will see this Streamer under All Computers and then they can use access permissions to assign that computer to the correct user so it appears on their computer list.
When you open Splashtop Streamer it should automatically have the team information in place and you can automatically sign in, or it will ask you to enter the 12 digit deployment code which you can get from the deployment page:
Option 3: None of Above (Installed and assigned by admins)
When you login to, this is what team members will see:
Team members will not have the ability to install Streamers, meaning that a team admin or team owner is the only one that can install Streamer and use our access permissions to assign computers to appear on the computer list.
Note: By default, Deployment Streamers are only accessible to Owner/Admins.