How to fix the mouse cursor not scaling properly in the remote session?

Please try this suggestion to resolve the issue if you cannot see the correct cursor size ( or brush size in Photoshop ) on the Windows device you connect from.



Please first make sure you're running Splashtop Business app V3.3.6.0 or later. 

1. Open Regedit on the remote PC you connect FROM. Press Win+R and type regeditregedit_en-us.png

2. Navigate to the following path: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Splashtop Inc.\Splashtop Remote Client for STB

3. Right-click on an empty field and click New > DWORD-Value (32-bit)SRCdword_en-us.png

4. Name it EnableScaleRemoteCursor

5. Double-click on it and ensure the Value is set to 0:EnableScaleRemoteCursor_0_en-us.png

6. Press OK and restart the remote session.


If the issue persists or there are any side effects after adding the registry, please Submit a Ticket.

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