How to fix the mouse cursor not changing shape correctly in the remote session?

When you are connecting to a Windows computer in a remote session, the mouse cursor shape may not be displayed correctly. The cursor shape somehow is stuck with an arrow but can't change to other shapes such as i-beam or window resize cursor. This could be due to no physical mouse connected to the remote computer.


Turning on the Mouse keys feature on the remote computer should fix the issue:

1. Open Control Panel

2. Open Ease of Access Center

3. Click Make the mouse easier to use

4. Check the Turn on Mouse Keys box

5. Click Apply and then OKMouseKeys_en-us.png


After turning on the Mouse keys, you may see the remote and local cursor at the same time whether the "Show remote cursor" feature is enabled or not. If you do not want to see the remote cursor, please switch the Screen Capturing Options to Software, and also turn on Legacy mode on the Business app (File Options→ Advanced → Check the Use Legacy Compatible Mode box).LegacyMode_en-us.png

If the issue persists or there are any side effects, please Submit a Ticket.

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