How to change the resolution or frame rate of the streamed remote display?

By default, the native resolution of the remote computer is streamed.  Some networks may be bandwidth limited or you prefer the screen resolution to fit your local monitor better.

Change resolution

Before connecting to a remote computer,

  1. Open the Business app biz_icon.png
  2. Click/tap on the edit icon next to the computer, normally a gear shaped icon
  3. On the Resolution setting, choose the setting that works best for you
    1. Native resolution of remote computer - no change to remote computer resolution, may have black bars show on sides depending on each monitors aspect ratio
    2. Best fit to client computer - adjusts remote computer resolution to the same aspect ratio as the local computer, icons may not move back
    3. 1920x1080 - adjusts remote computer resolution to 1920x1080, icons may not move back
    4. 1600x900 - adjusts remote computer resolution to 1600x900, icons may not move back
    5. 1366x768 - adjusts remote computer resolution to 1366x768, icons may not move back
    6. 1280x800 - adjusts remote computer resolution to 1280x800, icons may not move back
    7. 1024x768 - adjusts remote computer resolution to 1024x768, icons may not move back
    8. 800x600 - adjusts remote computer resolution to 800x600, icons may not move back

After connecting to a computer, click the View Options (eyeball icon) to further adjust the resolution:


Change FPS


Another way to use less network bandwidth is to send less frames per a second.  While in a remote connection, from toolbar, select the View Options and adjust the frames per a second.

  • Ultra High - ~60 frames per second
  • High - ~30 frames per second
  • Medium - ~15 frames per second
  • Low - ~5 frames per second
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