How do I change the Windows Streamer settings? Using 1-to-Many Actions for Remote Support Premium

You can push out registry key value changes to change the Streamer settings. For the full list of registry keys available, please see this article: Windows Streamer registry settings

After deploying the Streamer, the settings can only be changed by manually changing the settings, reinstalling a different version, or changing the Streamer settings. If you need to change the settings on hundreds of machines, the following suggestions can be used to save your time.

Option 1: Batch/Executable File

For example, if you want to lock the Streamer settings on a 64-bit machine*, you can save this text as a .bat file.

reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Splashtop Inc.\Splashtop Remote Server" /v UnLockUI /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
net stop SplashtopRemoteService
net start SplashtopRemoteService

The quotes are needed because of the spaces in "Splashtop Remote Server".  The /f at the end forces the change to take place without prompting to overwrite the existing value. The SplashtopRemoteService (Streamer) needs to be restarted for changes to take effect. You can change multiple registry key values at once, just include the 'reg add...' commands before restarting the service.

*For 32-bit machines, use this path instead "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Splashtop Inc.\Splashtop Remote Server".

Next, login to, click Management -> 1-to-Many Actions. Upload the file you just created and no other parameters are needed. After verifying your computer's credentials and running the script, the Streamer settings will be changed. General usage for 1-to-Many Actions can be found here.

Option 2: Remote Command (CMD)

The same example above can be used in a CMD script.

reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Splashtop Inc.\Splashtop Remote Server" /v UnLockUI /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
net stop SplashtopRemoteService
net start SplashtopRemoteService

When running it, choose the option for Remote Command as shown in the screenshot below.


Option 3: Remote Command (PowerShell)

For the same example, you can issue PowerShell commands instead. Again, the path is for 64-bit machines. Also use the 'Remote Command' option to run the following example.

Set-Itemproperty -path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Splashtop Inc.\Splashtop Remote Server' -Name 'UnLockUI' -value '1'
Restart-Service SplashtopRemoteService



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