How to fix SOS not downloading/opening

Having problems getting to "" site because the browser searches the address instead of going there? Try using these other web addresses:

  1. Full path:
  2. Full path:
  3., full path
  4. Direct download links:

After downloading, cannot run the "SplashtopSOS.exe" file - does nothing?

  1. Sometimes Windows blocks downloaded files from running.  Right-click on SplashtopSOS.exe file and choose Properties.  Then click on "Unblock" in the General tab.

  2. In one or two cases, you may need to enable "Compatibility" mode.  Right-click on SplashtopSOS.exe file and choose Properties.  Then click on Compatibility tab and enable Compatibility for your OS version.
  3. Windows Task Scheduler may fail to launch SOS in time if the system is busy or if Windows Updates is running. If you click "No" at the corresponding UAC prompt after running SOS, the app can launch immediately as a standard user.

Running the SplashtopSOS.exe causes the window to "flash"?  It opens and closes continuously?  If you have Malwarebytes, it may be blocking the execution of the program.  Please see this article to report to Malwarebytes and then add to the ignore list.

Malwarebytes false positive

Please read this article if these issues persist.

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