Session notes are notes that describe what occurred during a remote session. Session notes can be created by users/technicians that are remotely accessing other computers, and can contain whatever information the user wishes to write about the session. Notes can be created for both unattended and attended sessions, and all notes will be included if the logs are exported.
New Feature in version Live session notes!
How to create/edit a session note
1. Log into your account at /
2. Navigate to
3. Click the dropdown on the right to change from Attended sessions to Unattended sessions, along with the time frame.
4. On the most-right column, there is a section for Session notes, click on the pencil icon to create/edit a session note.
5. After clicking the pencil, the following prompt will show up for you to type in the Subject and Note. You don't need to fill both the subject and notes section to save changes.
6. After hitting save, there will be a small preview in the column for your session note.
7. If you export the logs, the session notes will appear in the most right-hand columns.